showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Super Stunt Cycle Atari? labelminimizeminimize
Asteroids  Atari (GCC)1984On a quiet serene evening the Cosmic Space Patrol sets out for the usual night cruise through the boulevards of space. This beat was always the same; calm, no action and no excitement. For some reason this night feels different. Shortly before 0200 hours some form of intergalactic material is sighted through the visual particle counter. The material is too large a mass to measure. It's drifting closer. Lookout, it's a giant asteroid boulder and it's headed straight for the Cosmic Spacecraft. The only chance for survival is to dodge the boulder or destroy it. Destroying it doesn't mean just breaking it up, it means vaporizing it. Small asteroid boulders are equally as fatal as large ones.

Whew, the boulder just missed colliding with the Cosmic Spacecraft, but suddenly the Cosmic Space Patrol find themselves surrounded by thousands of the deadly asteroids. The Cosmic Space Patrol must act quickly to save their spacecraft and spare their lives. The spacecraft is equipped with photon torpedoes, hyperspace, shields, and flip control.

The Cosmic Space Patrol is highly trained to handle this situation. Could you do as good a job as the Cosmic Space Patrol? How would you protect yourself if you were caught in a deadly asteroid belt? This is your big chance to fly throughout the dimensions of space and fend against asteroid boulders. The longer you survive, the more space hazards you'll encounter.***A prototype cartridge labeled "Asteroids Deluxe" has a section of code that reads "IF YOU CAN READ THIS YOU'RE TOO CLOSE. GCC(C) 1984". The released version (subsequently named just "Asteroids") shortens this to "TOO CLOSE. GCC(C) 1984"
Desert Falcon  Atari (GCC)1987 labelimageminimize
Dig Dug  Atari (Namco)1987 labelimageminimize
Food Fight Atari (GCC)1987 labelimageminimize
Galaga Atari (GCC)1987 labelimageminimize
Hat Trick Atari (Ibid)1987Port of the the arcade version of [game=Hat Trick]Hat Trick[/game] by Bally Sente.
The source code of this game was written in FORTH.
Ms. Pac-Man  Atari1987 labelimageminimize
Robotron: 2084  Atari1987There's no way the NES could have matched the 7800's sprites abilities.